HAPPY NEW YEAR! Thanks to your love and support, we were able to save Treasure AND get Smurf and Noel safely home. Sadly, Treasure is in even worse shape than we were told. The first thing I did was take him to Doc to get his bloodwork run. He is severely anemic, and he probably had no more than a few days left to live, without being dewormed. Doc said he had so many bloodworms they were literally killing him. His white blood cell count is horrendous as well. So much that Doc is afraid he has leukemia. I de-wormed him, and then we went into having scours immediately. For more than 5 days he had the most horrible diarrhea (scours), and it was, and still is hour to hour with him. We are now praying he does not have any blockages from all of the worms. He is in critical shape at best, but is the most loving and kind horse I have ever met. We spent hours just sitting in the yard, while he stood with his head in my lap. He is literally breaking my heart, and I am doing everything I can with special feed and meds etc. He could really use another blanket or 2, as he tends to need his washed every day or so. His size is about a 78". It is bitterly cold here and he has nothing to keep him warm, so it is imperative that he stays blanketed while it is cold. It's time to stock up on Foal Lac Powder, Foal Lac Pellets, Vaseline, Gloves, Baby Wipes, Paper Towels, Bute, Banamine, Shavings, Mare & Foal Pellets, syringes, needles, Colostrum (IGG) for the new born babies, Foal Response, French Clay, bandages, thermometers, scissors, baby halters, baby blankets, and the list goes on. If anyone would like to help us get ready for foal season, you can order off of Valley Vet or Fosters and Smith or Chewey.com. I still have to get the 2 stallions gelded and the goat's leg amputated, and we need to be ready for the babies BEFORE they get here. Little Annie Oakley says she would love some more Foal Lac Pellets. She is starting to feel much better and her wormy belly is finally gone. Thank you so much for all the lives you saved in 2020 and before. It seems to be the norm that there is simply no "down time" anymore, and baby season is almost here. (Or here already - if you ask Annie, lol). This is the link to our Chilly Pepper's Wild Horse & Orphan Foal Adoption Page, where you can see the progress and new lives of the horses YOU HAVE HELPED SAVED! (I can't believe I didn't do this years ago, but it is so fun to see the horses, babies and critters that are enjoying and thriving in their new lives.) https://www.facebook.com/groups/364129998164107/ Annie Oakley, home in Golconda! ![]() IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO KEEP HELPING US SAVE MORE LIVES, YOU CAN GO TO: -<You can go to gofundme<- You can go to Paypal if you would like to help these horses. ->You can donate via check at: (PLEASE NOTE NEW PO BOX #) Chilly Pepper - Miracle Mustang, PO Box # 233 Golconda, NV 89414 You can also donate via credit card by calling Palomino at 530-339-1458. NO MATTER HOW BIG OR HOW SMALL - WE SAVE THEM ALL! SAVING GOD'S CRITTERS - FOUR FEET AT A TIME Chilly Pepper - Miracle Mustang, WIN Project - Rescue & Rehab We are now part of the WIN Organization WIN (WILD HORSES IN NEED) is a 501c3 IRS EIN 55-0882407_ If there are ever funds left over from the cost of the rescue itself, the monies are used to feed, vet, care for and provide shelter and proper fencing for the animals once they are saved.
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Venmo - @WIN-dba-ChillyPepper
Cash Ap. - $ChillyPepperMM Via credit or debit card. 530-339-1458 Paypal - [email protected] https://www.paypal.me/WildHorsesinNeedUS Via check Chilly Pepper PO Box 233 Golconda, NV 89414 OUR MAILING ADDRESSCHILLY PEPPER
PO BOX 233 GOLCONDA, NV 89414 Archives
August 2024