Thank you so much for all your prayers and shares. Unfortunately, Cactus Jack left this earth a short time ago. He died wrapped in the arms of the best foal mama on the planet, safe and warm in Dayton. He had all the symptoms of tetanus, and his little umbilical cord was infected. He had many other issues and I can only thank God that he did not die alone and scared on the range. Critical foal care is heartbreaking so often, but Thank God he was surrounded by love and warmth. There aren't many things worse than for an injured or critically ill foal to be out in the wet and cold, alone and scared when they leave this earth. So we do whatever we can for them, even if it is just to keep them comfortable until their time is here. Shirley is by far the best foal mama you could ever know, and although she knew the most likely outcome, she did everything that could possibly be done for him.. She called us when we were on the road and had us turn around so we wouldn't waste the 400+ miles worth of fuel and could save it for the next one. Thank you again for your prayers for him.
URGENT - URGENT - URGENT!! PRAYERS NEEDED FOR CACTUS JACK. He is a tiny beyond critical conditioned little mustang colt that was just brought in a couple hours ago. He is at death's door and we were on our way to go get him when we received the call that he most likely won't make it long enough for us to get there. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PRAY FOR HIM AND SHARE THIS WITH EVERYONE YOU KNOW WHO WILL PRAY FOR HIM. He is in dire shape and barely here. Thanks He has the best care possible at this time, and we are hoping to be heading over tomorrow, but it is in God's hands now, so please ask Him for a miracle!
Here is an update on our newest little one. We picked up Texas on Saturday. He was 2 days old and had been rejected by his momma. The other mares were also going after him.
As always, we never know for sure why the little ones are rejected, and in this case we are so very lucky the caretakers were paying close attention. He is struggling a bit, and has kind of been all over the map. However, he is eating like a champ and although he is still exhausted, he will spend about 2 minutes playing a couple of times a day. Most of the time he is sleeping, but it is wonderful that he can get his heart pumping and the oxygen flowing well at least a couple of times a day. He has full blown scours but we are treating that and his eyes are bright and he has the spirit of the mustang shining in those bright eyes. As usual, we have been given "another miracle", here at Chilly Pepper - Miracle Mustang. He is far from out of the woods yet, but has passed the first major hurdle, the 72 hour mark, and we are taking it like we always do, a minute, an hour at a time. Please send prayers for him. He certainly needs lots of them. He has had some breathing issues and thanks to the folks at Vibra VM, we seem to be making some progress in that area also. As usual, it takes a village to save an orphan foal, and we are so very blessed and grateful to have the love an support from such awesome folks. Will keep y'all updated. We are heading out in about half an hour to pick up a 2 day old little one. His mama rejected him and some of the other mares were going after him. As usual, one of our amazing horsey angels was paying attention and pulled him to safety. She has been giving him amazing and loving care since yesterday and we are going to bring him home today.
He appears bright, "feisty" was the description I got :), and seems to be doing very well. Unfortunately there is always a chance that there was a reason that is not apparent to us for the band rejecting him. So that is always a concern and we will watch him closely. But I am very happy hearing how hungry he is and how much of a little personality he is already showing. So appreciate prayers for a safe journey. As always, we appreciate all the love and support that y'all always show for these little ones. Pix to follow later! Hope you all have a fabulous day. Hugs and God Bless! |
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August 2024