As I write this, I am remembering how quickly you get "baby brain". The time when your brain turns to mush from lack of sleep. Wow - it seems like the Rolling Foal Hospital never stops. We are so very pleased to be able to let folks know just how important this trailer is, and that it is constantly being used to save the lives of our beloved horses. We left last Tuesday to take Seanna, Cicero and Go Go Boots to their new home in Idaho. We had to meet with Doc on Wednesday in NV to procure the proper paperwork and off we went. We arrived to a stunning property and an amazing woman waiting for the babies. God has once again blessed us with the help we needed for these young horses. They have a wonderful place with a river, many streams, a clean and clear pond and wild life all around. They have space and will have folks to continue their training. They have settled in well and although there was the usual heartbreak as we drove away, all was well and it was the best scenario we could hope for. All the way there, and even prior as we were prepping the trailer, something kept telling me we would not be coming back empty. So I made sure we had our "new baby kit" well prepped. On our way back home, we received an emergency call. Shirley (my friend in NV who was caring for Velma), was in the hospital and we needed to come and pick up the baby. We are blessed as I am Shirley's back up and she is ours if we have emergencies.
So we picked up Velma, (whom I had had quite a bit of time with the night prior to our vet visit with Doc), whose world was once again upside down. Although pretty scared at first, she traveled beautifully, and as always we took our time and gave her lots of rest stops. Here is the link for a short video of her enjoying one of her bottles. (Beware - this is cuteness over load at it's finest.) Velma is eating very well, and she eats every two hours round the clock. She has never been around any horses, as after she was born in the puddle she was immediately rushed to Shirley's after her mama pretty much ignored her and continued eating. She will go through approximately a 40 pound bag of milk and then some every two weeks. She is healthy and although she was a tiny bit colicky after we picked her up she is doing well and settling in nicely. Much to her initial dismay, we put Belafonte (our mini goat) in with her. She has no real manners as of yet as she had no chance to learn natural boundaries. But he will help her and is gentle, yet firm. She was very pouty after he gave her a tiny little headbutt when she was being inappropriate. She stood there with a look on her face like she could not believe what had just happened. As always, things happen quickly. We took 3 babies and came back with 1, but that is the reason we do what we do, and why it is important to find homes for these kids once they are doing better and ready for the next chapter in their lives. We are still looking for homes for the 40+ wild ones, and are so very grateful we have managed to keep them safe thus far. Please share far and wide so we can find them their forever homes. We so appreciate everyone who is part of this rescue and helping us keep these horses safe. Please share far and wide so we can continue to find forever homes for these horses. We also have a possible home for more of the wild ones in Virginia. We are working on that - who knew there were angels everywhere? With so many people in the United States, we only need a few to step up and help us place the remaining horses. Together we CAN do it!! If you want to help keep milk in that little bottle or with all the rest of the expenses, You can go to You caring - to help us save these horses. You can go to Paypal - [email protected] or go to Donate & Support page if you would like to help these horses. if you would like to help these horses. You can donate via check at Chilly Pepper - Miracle Mustang, 34694 Sidebottom Rd., Shingletown, CA 96088 530 474-5197 If you are interested in visiting or adopting one of these beautiful horses.
Exciting news - We received a message yesterday that our new "Angels in Idaho" will be taking three babies. Seanna, (shown above), Boots and Cicero will all be heading to their new home this week. Matt and I will be transporting them. We will need roughly $375 fuel for transport and a little for Health Certificates and needed blood work for transport. So we are looking at between $400 - $500 to secure these three great homes. (Unfortunately it won't reduce our monthly board as they have been at Chilly Pepper - Miracle Mustang and we do not receive any funds for "boarding" even though they were part of the 55)". ) But it will certainly be a reduction for feed expenses and leave me more time to help gentle other wild ones and care for the upcoming orphans.) Finding them homes is the biggest blessing ever :) IF we don't get a call to Yakima or OR for orphans while we are out, it will be about 1600 miles round trip. We normally average around 10 miles to the gallon with a little less efficiency in the mountains, sometimes closer to 7 or 8 mpg. when pulling the heavy trailer. As always, we will be "camping" on the way whenever possible and cooking out of the trailer for the most part. The average fuel price in NV is about $2.25 a gallon for diesel, and although it is more here, we will be doing most of the driving going through NV. EVEN BETTER NEWS - Our Angel (Kim) in Idaho is planning to take 10 of the Wild Ones that we are currently supporting in NV. This move is planned for approximately 2 months down the road, after they beef up their fencing on the large acreage. Then Kim told me of a rescue she did and it left me in tears. "I drive truck, and while driving in North Dakota for the oil fields I parked at an auction where they were unloading a trailer full of horses. There were 5, one pregnant with a foal by her side. I walked up and said so they are auctioning off these horse today? and the man said yes, for 23 cents per pound. So I bought them all and leased 5 acres until I could make arrangements to get them here. Here's where the rescue started. They were what started it all for me."__ They have rescued and re-homed many horses since that day. So you can imagine how excited I was when she said we could bring the babies now and 10 more in a month or two. This is what we need. To move these horses down the road to safe and loving folks. Of course I have my own tears too. It is so heartwarming to find someone with such a beautiful heart, but once again I am taking my babies and leaving them with someone else. No matter how wonderful it is for them, it still breaks your heart when you have spent the time with them and have grown to love them so much. So it is bittersweet as always. You just can't keep every one that you save, and this is what we do - find homes for them so they can have the future they deserve. But it still breaks your heart each and every time - even knowing that there will be more around the corner. How wonderful it will be when the day comes where there won't be more around the corner, and we can all rest easy. That would be the miracle. We so appreciate everyone who is part of this rescue and helping us keep these horses safe. Please share far and wide so we can continue to find forever homes for these horses. We also have a possible home for more of the wild ones in Virginia. We are working on that - who knew there were angels everywhere? With so many people in the United States, we only need a few to step up and help us place the remaining horses. Together we CAN do it!! If you want to help You can go to You caring - to help us save these horses. You can go to Paypal - [email protected] or go to Donate & Support page if you would like to help these horses. You can donate via check at Chilly Pepper - Miracle Mustang, 34694 Sidebottom Rd., Shingletown, CA 96088 530 474-5197 If you are interested in visiting or adopting one of these beautiful horses. Hi, Sending out a quick update to keep everyone informed. We are in a "hurry up and wait" state, but thanks to y'all we are ready for that call. I am happy to share some good news. Thanks to the wet weather, the roundups in Yakima, WA have been postponed. This is good for all the babies as they have a better chance of spending more time with their moms. Of course we are praying the roundups simply do not happen, but at least the older the babies are, the better chance they have of surviving. So far, we have not heard any news about the Warm Springs roundups having started yet either. Once again, the weather is a big factor. PTL! So for now, we have been blessed. Please send your prayers that the roundups don't start. On the home front, we are still prepping for babies. Things can change in a heart beat, and you have to be ready to go. Prior to last year, our babies came locally in CA or from NV off the range. So although that is our normal source, we are now on board for the "slaughter babies" once again this year. We are trying to establish a "direct relationship" with the auction yard. Once these horses are brought in, they go straight to Canada as the gentleman running the operation has a direct contract with Bouvry Exports, in Alberta Canada. In the meantime, we are also gentling and training the wild ones that are here. I am so happy to report that Lacy has made a huge break through and she is bonding up nicely. Prior to this she would bite and was very unsure and unhappy with any type of touching. She is going to make an amazing partner for someone and will be available for adoption. If you would like to see Lacy's progress, you can follow the attached links. :) "Seanna" has also made huge strides and her training is coming along nicely. "Go Go Boots" is just a tiny bit behind her, but we will be needing homes not only for these girls, but for Cicero. Cicero is from Yakima Washington and is coming on a year old. He will need someone with experience, but promises to be an amazing horse. He is very spirited and intelligent (shown below). We so appreciate everyone who is part of this rescue and helping us keep these horses safe. Please share far and wide so we can find forever homes for these horses.
If you want to help You can go to You caring - to help us save these horses. You can go to Paypal - [email protected] or go to our Donate & Support page if you would like to help these horses. You can donate via check at Chilly Pepper - Miracle Mustang, 34694 Sidebottom Rd., Shingletown, CA 96088 530 474-5197 If you are interested in visiting or adopting one of these beautiful horses. |
Ways To Donate
Venmo - @WIN-dba-ChillyPepper
Cash Ap. - $ChillyPepperMM Via credit or debit card. 530-339-1458 Paypal - [email protected] Via check Chilly Pepper PO Box 233 Golconda, NV 89414 OUR MAILING ADDRESSCHILLY PEPPER
PO BOX 233 GOLCONDA, NV 89414 Archives
August 2024