Baby update - All seven of the "slaughter babies" have been placed. Although we normally do not place babies at this age, the circumstances dictate a change from the norm. All the babies are in carefully chosen homes who have the ability and time to give them the specialized care they need. We began their halter training, and all of them were stabilized and doing well. The biggest and best news is that Thumbellina is doing well and seems to be thriving have a real mommy of her own. No matter how hard we try, we can never ever take the place of a real "horse mom". Watching her with the mare was amazing. The near desperation on Lil T's part to nurse and bond with the mare made it very clear it was worth the drive. She was in love with her new mommy seconds after meeting her, and long before the mare started to accept her. By the 3 a.m. feeding Kristen was holding the mare in halter on a lead and she was letting Lil T nurse like a champ. They are not quite ready to be in together alone yet, but this morning's update was that the mare was even more at ease when Thumbellina was nursing. The night before I had stood there, almost in awe, watching Lil T lick and nuzzle the mare's side like she had finally come home. There is simply no substitute for the real thing. We placed the other 6 in their various homes and are so grateful all seems to be going extremely well for them. It is always so hard to let go, especially this soon, but we have to do what gives the other babies a chance at a safe and happy life. It has been quite the trip, but all is going well and we are about an hour away from picking up two new ones. We were supposed to pick them up a few days ago, but due to the delay, we had time to drive Miss T to her new home. It is sounding like there are going to be lots of babies and a very long season. We are so grateful to all of you who have made it possible to help the last seven and the two we are picking up today. Sometimes it is simply overwhelming and it all seems impossible. However, I truly believe that when God puts an injured soul in front of you, whether it is 4 legged or 2 legged, He wants you to do your best to help to whatever way you can. So Matt and I will keep on doing everything we can to help save these lives. We so appreciate everyone who is part of this amazing journey. Although there is tremendous heartbreak, being able to watch Thumbellina find a new mommy was absolutely heartwarming. Watching those little lips curl and seeing that tiny pink tongue caressing her new mommy over and over and over brought tears. Those moments are the ones that make all the tears and shattered hearts worthwhile. Those moments are the ones that remind us why we keep on fighting a fight it seems like we can't win, and why we go through this 24/7. If you want to help You can go to You caring - to help us save these horses and you can donate there for the "orphaned foals" or
You can go to Paypal - [email protected] or go to our Donate & Support page if you would like to help these horses You can donate via check at Chilly Pepper - Miracle Mustang, 34694 Sidebottom Rd., Shingletown, CA 96088 530 474-5197 If you are interested in visiting or adopting one of these beautiful horses
On my phone as we head out to deliver these babies to the amazing folks who will continue their specialized care. Although it breaks my heart to place them so young, we need space for the new babies coming in.
We were notified about a single Baby, but if course that has changed. Now it is 2 babies, one of them only 2 days old as we are driving. Babies this young can crash so fast and these kids are what we specialize in. No one can save them all, but it is truly a privilege to care for them when they are so delicate So once again we are looking at blood work , health Certs, milk n more milk and who knows what else these little ones will need, as well as fuel :) We want to thank everyone who helped Castle, Cheyenne, Roman, Diamond, Tornado, Thumbellina and Dancer. Your love and support made the difference for these babies to have a life. Thank you!! If you want to help You can go to You caring - to help us save these horses and you can donate there for the "orphaned foals" or You can go to Paypal - [email protected] or go to our Donate & Support page if you would like to help these horses You can donate via check at Chilly Pepper - Miracle Mustang, 34694 Sidebottom Rd., Shingletown, CA 96088 Thank you n God bless! We were told that this could be a very long season :( To all the folks that were directly contacted by Kimberly Clark and ASKED to help, she has contacted you on our behalf to help with this critical situation. Your situation will be as she told you, and the below note is not applicable in your cases.
Everything she discussed with you still stands, and everything she told you is factual. We so appreciate you being there and stepping up to help these kids. The following is for all the wonderful folks who want to help and are interested in adopting a baby. Hi All, What originally was a notice sent out to some specific folks asking for help in placing the babies we are rescuing, (by a wonderful woman who has been a huge help) has now turned into numerous posts and request for help from anyone who might “want a baby”. We have some wonderful possibilities from some amazing folks, but not all are able to provide the specialized care needed for these babies. We are grateful so many folks want to help, but I need to clarify a few things. We are very specific and extremely careful about who will be able to adopt these vulnerable foals. (It is the LOCAL SANCTUARY who only requires a "visit with a volunteer" before adopting, NOT CHILLY PEPPER - MIRACLE MUSTANG. (Two separate organizations) (Folks have been confused about that because we are both in Shingletown and I used to be part of that organization) . We take placing these babies very seriously and all homes will be vetted and there is a great deal involved in the placement of these special kids. Adoption Fees and Delivery Fees vary with each baby and each situation. It is a private matter between the adopter and Chilly Pepper - Miracle Mustang, and is based on the unique situation of each adoption. Anyone wishing to adopt is welcome to email me at [email protected]. However, due to the extremely high amount of responses, and the fact that caring for the babies takes all precedence, it may be a while before we can respond. I hope this clears up any confusion. Thanks Matt & Palomino p.s. AS soon as we possibly can, we will update our website with a list of what is needed to be considered for adoption. We also have numerous wild horses of all ages in NV we are helping care for that need homes as well. If you simply want to make a difference by helping save these lives you can send a check to Chilly Pepper, 34694 Sidebottom Rd., Shingletown, CA 96088, or go to Paypal - [email protected] We appreciate all the love, prayers & support!! Hi All, (My photo above is not flattering - but it is the reality of what we do!! ha ha, but Kim Dezellem so kindly took it to show what it is like on these rescues - thanks Kim lol) Spent nearly 8 hours there. Kim came and brought milk and lunch and stayed for moral support :) Sorry it has taken so long for an update. We picked up 7 (Seven) babies at the shipping yard. The littlest one is Thumbellina, who was maybe half a day old. We were told that she had nursed from her mama, and that she had gotten her colostrum. However, by the wee morning hours she was crashing, and could not stand and could barely even drink from her bottle. I tucked her into the living area of the Rolling Foal Hospital, right smack in front of the heater and while my heart was breaking, prayed like crazy. We have seen this so many times. They are so tiny and fragile and the stress can just be a door closer. I gave her electrolytes (again), tiny drops of glucose and gradually she started to come around. She was very shaky but managed to drink a few drops of her formula as well as the electrolytes. The next morning we took her to the vet. When the vet tested her IGG levels, they were about 400 instead of the 800 she should have. So she either did not get nearly enough colostrum or for some reason it wasn't good quality or who knows what. So we set her up to get a plasma transfusion. As the life saving plasma started to trickle into her tiny body, a drop at a time, Thumbellina started to shake and her breathing became rapid. She was having an allergic reaction to the plasma she so desperately needed. Doc Jenny was amazing and oh so very patient. We spent all day, approximately 8 hours and she managed to get about half of the bag into Lil Thumbellina. It was one of those "rock and hard places". Without it, she would have pretty much zero chance to survive, and each tiny drop caused a reaction. So Doc decided we would go as slowly as humanly possible and get as much into her as we could so she could have a chance. After an exhausting day, (and please remember I have been up round the clock for 2 weeks bottle feeding Velma prior to us starting this trip - so I have now officially entered my "foal coma", where all intelligent brain function ceases lol) we brought her home. We settled her into the Rolling Foal Hospital and prayed. For several hours she would start shaking but would drink little bits of milk in between. A couple hours later and she was like a new baby. She had "lunch" at least 10 times during the night. She would get up, "potty", have her milk and socialize with us for a few and then she would enter a deep baby sleep. She is perky this morning and tried to buck. She is a fighter, and is feeling so much better. Only time will tell if she will survive in the long run, or got enough of the life saving plasma, but for now she is playful and enjoying life. PLEASE REMEMBER - these babies can crash in minutes. We have a wonderful support team and we always do our very best, but some of these angels just are not supposed to be here for long. We are hopeful Thumbellina will have a long and happy life, but for now she does have a "happy life". We promise to do everything we can for her! We also have 6 others, as well as Velma. We have Roman Romeo, the next smallest one. He is a cutie and seems to be doing pretty well. Dancer is a beautiful little girl who has already found her forever home. Once she is stable, she will be going to a wonderful home and have a baby (mini?) donkey to hang out with, as well as lots of other critters. Diamond, Tornado, Cheyenne, and Castle still will need their forever homes. We have gone through a bag and a half of formula already, as well as hay etc. These kids are all great eaters!! We were told by the shipper we could expect a call with anywhere from 30 to 50 babies all at once, but the alternative is ugly. Apparently there is a huge demand for babies for "tripping and roping" practice in the area. So we will no doubt be coming back quite often. Good news - we have upwards of 30 places that can help with the incoming orphans. They are in OR, WA and Idaho and our great friend Kim Clark was hugely responsible for those. So once we pick up the babies and do the basics, many of them will have places to go. THANK YOU SO MUCH for the love and support. We absolutely needed it to get her and accomplish what you have made possible. We are praying the Safe Act passes and that would simply close the borders and eliminate this mess. So please contact your folks in power and tell them we NEED the Safe Act passed. Folks have been asking why we couldn't save the moms. This is not an auction house. It is a shipping facility. The babies are "by products" of the Mares who have been rounded up and shipped, and although as everyone knows I do NOT SUPPORT HORSE SLAUGHTER, I am grateful these babies are not being 'dispatched" or sold for "tripping and roping practice" and that we are allowed to find them homes and save their lives. (The shipper would actually make more more money selling them for that) It is not an acceptable practice, but God puts these babies in front of Matt and I and we have to keep our hearts full of love and peace and be calm so we can help these babies. Horses of all ages pick up on stress and anger and these little ones would not survive more of that. This is WHY I am not focusing on the horrors of what happens to their moms. I simply coudn't function and help the babies. It is heartbreaking, and you cry alot, but thanks to our wonderful donors and support, we are making a difference for these babies, and I feel I owe it to their moms (since we couldn't save them) and it is actually an honor to help these babies "for their moms". I have to mention how awesome my hubby is. He goes without sleep for days on end, cancels life without a second thought and he spent yesterday caring for 7 babies who required milk every two hours so I could be at the vet with Thumbellina. Wendell Stockdale also stayed and helped Matt. These men are amazing and I am so grateful I have Matt at my side as we "limp' around the country doing what God gives us to do. Thank you to everyone who is part of this and has made it possible. It is just the beginning but I know that we can do this together. THANK YOU FOR YOUR LOVE AND SUPPORT AND PRAYERS. WE STILL NEED YOU AND WE SO APPRECIATE YOU! If you want to help You can go to You caring - to help us save these horses and you can donate here for the "orphaned foals" or
You can go to Paypal - [email protected] or go to our Donate & Support page if you would like to help these horses You can donate via check at Chilly Pepper - Miracle Mustang, 34694 Sidebottom Rd., Shingletown, CA 96088 Thank you so much for the love and support and prayers for this to be a safe and successful journey.! BIG GIRL had her hoofers done, but instead of having time to update y'all and send out thank you's and pictures, we are in EMERGENCY BABY MODE!!!!!
DEADLINE FOR PICKUP IN YAKIMA - TOMORROW!!!!! ONCE AGAIN, THESE BABIES NEED YOUR HELP! As I sit here writing this, my heart is breaking. We got THE CALL, and now we have to leave at 4 a.m. to save 5 babies whose moms are being shipped straight to slaughter. While we travel the roughly 12 hours (with the trailer) to Yakima, these horses lives will forever change. The babies will be ripped away from their moms, ropes thrown around their necks as they are dragged into a separate pen, all the while scared to death as they hear their moms screaming to them to come away from the danger. The mares will be forced into the truck that will take them straight to the slaughter plant in Canada. Not only will the mares be terrified, hearts pounding and screaming for their babies, the last sounds they will hear from their terrified babies are screams for help. This is abominable, and it has to be stopped. We are leaving at 4 a.m., and we have FAITH that God will bless this trip, as He has put these babies in front of us. It will be expensive, as there are "bail fees", blood test, health certificates, meds that will be needed for some or all, and fuel (our truck only gets about 8-9 mpg) when pulling the Rolling Foal Hospital and it is roughly 1100 miles round trip. One bag of Foal Lac Powder today was $149 ? and that will feed ONE (1) BABY for about 2 weeks. This is not including all the supplies to take care of each and every one. No doubt we will be dealing with upset tummies to say the least, and supplies add up fast. With 6 bottle babies, we will need lots and lots of milk etc. THIS IS WHY EVERYONE CAME TOGETHER IN MAVERICK'S HONOR AND HELPED US SECURE THE ROLLING FOAL HOSPITAL - SO WE CAN DO WHAT WE DO AND GIVE THESE BABIES A CHANCE AT LIFE. SO IT IS "GO TIME!" Please help however you can. We need lots of prayers as well as funds for expenses. We cannot save their moms, and they will die a horrific death, but God is giving us the chance to help the babies. We will do everything we can, and with your help, these babies will have a chance to heal and live a happy life. MAVERICK'S LEGACY WILL ONCE AGAIN BE ON THE ROAD - HONORING HIS MEMORY AND ALL THE OTHER LIVES LOST DUE TO THE HORRORS OF SLAUGHTER. If you want to help You can go to You caring - to help us save these horses and you can donate there for the "orphaned foals" or You can go to Paypal - [email protected] or go to our Donate & Support page if you would like to help these horses You can donate via check at Chilly Pepper - Miracle Mustang, 34694 Sidebottom Rd., Shingletown, CA 96088 Thank you so much for the love and support and prayers for this to be a safe and successful journey.! Matt and I had to do an unexpected rescue today. "Big Girl" is a 20+ (?) year old Percheron who weighs about 1600 pounds. She was for sale as a "riding horse" and we were told she just needed her hoofers trimmed. We were also told that even if you used a crop or whip, she would not canter. But it was fine to trot her. As panic welled in my gut, we handed over the cash to "bail her" and bring her home. Did she even have enough back hooves to have a chance? Her front hoof was bare sole with the hoof wall well above where it should be. I cannot begin to imagine how uncomfortable it is for her to have to hold all that weight on such broken feet. We are praying that there is not too much damage done for her to heal. When you think of the saying "NO HOOF - NO HORSE", PURE PANIC COMES TO MIND! We are asking for prayers and any help you can give to save this beautiful girl. She will need to be sedated to have her feet worked on as it seems to be too painful and hard for her to stand on 3 feet. We were told it takes 3 men and medicine to do her front feet, but you "cannot do her hind feet". I lifted her rear hoof up today to try and see what damage had been done, but it was apparent that she was really uncomfortable and after that she was very wary of me.
She is settled in with Magic and tomorrow we will contact the vet and try to get her some help. No horse deserves this, and we can only pray we got to her in time. This is overwhelming, disheartening and simply devastating. But when God puts one of His creatures in front of you, there is no choice, you do whatever you can to help, so once again we are asking folks to join us so we can help this beautiful soul. Any prayers and help you would like to give and what you can comfortably do for "Big Girl".... are so very much appreciated. You can go to Paypal - [email protected] or go to our Donate & Support page if you would like to help these horses You can donate via check at Chilly Pepper - Miracle Mustang, 34694 Sidebottom Rd., Shingletown, CA 96088 530 474-5197 Quick update BIG GIRL
Vet check yesterday. Heart is good, lungs are good, pain level not too high. We are managing that on an as needed basis. Scheduling specialized farrier to meet us at Vet's for hoof clean up (not really a trim as Doc says not enough to trim), and to see how bad the thrush is. X rays will be taken while under sedation and we will be able to make informed decisions about the best care for her hoofers. Doc is hopeful we can actually get some hoof wall on her and have a much improved hoof after 6 months or so with specialized care, treatment and supplements. Weight is approximately 1350 pounds and at least 20 years old, (probably a bit older) Sad news, Big Girl has cancer. She has melanomas under her tail, (and they are not exactly small), and some (lumps) on her underside. This is not uncommon with white and grey horses, but this does have the potential to be deadly and can go really fast or it may not be an issue at all. Her lumps have the potential to cause issues with her anus if they grow larger. Doc said the cancer can be very unpredictable and she has seen it go very quickly and seen other equine with small melanomas live out a very happy life. Our plan is to keep her with us and help her enjoy life until it is her time. She is home now :) LITTLE MISS VELMA is thriving and learning how to be a horse. Thank you for all those who are helping us do what we do. You rock!! Lacy and Cowboy are scheduled to be at the following event with Lacy J Dalton to raise money and awareness for the plight of the mustangs. 40+ WILD ONES - keeping our fingers crossed. Looks like we will have homes for some of these guys coming up soon. If you want to help You can go to You caring - to help us save these horses. You can go to Paypal - [email protected] or go to our Donate & Support page if you would like to help these horses if you would like to help these horses. You can donate via check at Chilly Pepper - Miracle Mustang, 34694 Sidebottom Rd., Shingletown, CA 96088 530 474-5197 If you are interested in visiting or adopting one of these beautiful horses. |
Ways To Donate
Venmo - @WIN-dba-ChillyPepper
Cash Ap. - $ChillyPepperMM Via credit or debit card. 530-339-1458 Paypal - [email protected] Via check Chilly Pepper PO Box 233 Golconda, NV 89414 OUR MAILING ADDRESSCHILLY PEPPER
PO BOX 233 GOLCONDA, NV 89414 Archives
August 2024