THANK YOU FOR SAVING MY MOM TOO!! BABY SEASON IS HERE! We have already done 9 horses so far..... I received an urgent call this afternoon. We have a teeny, tiny little one whose mama is scheduled to ship out, unless we can pull off another miracle. We also are looking at two yearlings IF we can raise enough funds for them. But it gets worse, apparently there is at least one, if not more, very pregnant mares about to ship. For those of you who have never seen the reality of slaughter, that baby will be sliced out of its mama and thrown alive on the slaughter floor. I have actually seen it. That is the reality. This is why we work non-stop, often literally 24/7 around the clock taking care of babies to try and save as many as we can. (I cried all afternoon thinking about the baby and the horses. But I know that all we can do is our best, and I am thankful we are given a chance to save some.) We don't always have the option of saving mom, and in all reality we are full. So, IF WE HAVE A CHANCE TO SAVE MOM and the heavily pregnant mare and the baby's mama, we need help NOW, and lots of it. WHO WE SAVE will depend directly on how much money is raised to save their lives. We know we will find a way to get the little one, but I don't want to leave horses behind that we could save. UNLESS we just take the orphan, we will need to set up another shelter before we leave to be able to get the very pregnant mare and to save mama and baby. We don't have time to build one, we will need to pick up the phone and have on of our little shelters delivered. I was told the horses could ship as early as tomorrow , or it could be a day or even a week. It only takes 15 more bodies to complete the load. We are very fortunate that the shipper really tries to work with us, and we are grateful for that. However, since we will be driving about 12 hours to get there, and we may get called as soon as tomorrow, we have to be ready. At this point we have pretty much zero in the budget to go get horse kids. Between the last 9 (the Fabulous 5), Justein & Lil Jo, Jolene (aka Racoon), and the little baby who cost about $600 in the end to make sure she was no longer suffering and make sure what we were doing was best for her little life, funds dwindled quickly. Add to that $900 of emergency trailer repairs on the road and the $1100 of hay yesterday, well that puts us very low. So as it stands, we have one orphan to pick up and two yearlings. We need funds to make that happen and then we can start saving more lives, depending on how long it takes to raise the funds. I have to know the minute he calls who we can afford to save. We have to get another shelter and get a space set up for the new baby and HOPEFULLY - his/her mama too. CAN YOU HELP US SAVE "Baby, his/her Mama, two yearlings, and one or more VERY PREGNANT MARES"? Until we upgrade the LQ, we will have to run two trucks and trailers depending on how many of these horses we can save. I simply cannot bear the thought of the baby being thrown aside and dying on the slaughter house floor. I am sorry as I know hearing that will upset many people, but this is what your donations stop. YOU are the difference for these horses. Matt and I will work non-stop but we do not have the funds to save these kids on our own. On top of all this, we have outgrown our beautiful rolling hospital. Running 2 trucks n 2 trailers is killing the rescues' funds. We found the perfect (USED OF COURSE) 4 horse LQ. It is much safer for me, (My leg is not being nice) and it has WAY more room for babies/horses than the 3 horse. (No wasted space in the horse area as there are no mangers or side storage. It's $27,000 (with taxes etc.) but will pay for itself via fuel n lodging savings in a couple years. We will be selling the current Rolling Foal Hospital. The money we save in lodging and fuel EACH MONTH will make the trailer payments, so once we have a down payment we are golden. (In doing taxes for 2017, we spent close to $20,000+ in fuel and about $5000 in lodging. This was partially due to the ISPMB rescue, and the rest is due to all the other 250+/- horses we rescued, picked up, shared with other rescuers and transported. ) The babies need milk powder ($149 per bag) , milk pellets, ($100 a bag), grain, vaseline, Colostrum ($100 + per bottle) gloves, baby wipes, meds etc. etc. to have a chance at a real life. PLEASE HELP US BE READY WHEN THE PHONE RINGS! BELOW - MAMA & BABY. Meet Justein & Lil Jo SAFE & SOUND THANKS TO YOU! If you want to help You can go to You Caring - to help us keep saving lives..
You can go to Paypal if you would like to help these horses. You can donate via check at Chilly Pepper - Miracle Mustang, P.O. Box 190 Golconda, NV 89414 You can also donate via credit card by calling Palomino at 530-339-1458. NO MATTER HOW BIG OR HOW SMALL - WE SAVE THEM ALL! SAVING GOD'S CRITTERS - FOUR FEET AT A TIME Chilly Pepper - Miracle Mustang, WIN Project - Rescue & Rehab _We are now part of the WIN Organization WIN (WILD HORSES IN NEED) is a 501c3 IRS EIN 55-0882407_
BABY SEASON IS HERE! With a shattered heart I bring you Tana's update. As we were so far away, (in NV), when I got the call, and Tana had been found abandoned by the side of the road in Yakima, WA, I knew that she would be needing IV fluids if she was to have a chance to survive, and she needed them right away, well before I would get there. So we called the vet and she went out to Mel's to assess the baby, give fluids, check her leg and do her Coggins if all went well. Unfortunately the news was beyond grim. The below photo shows the broken bones in her leg. Even with an unlimited budget, this would have had nearly zero chance and it would have put Tana through more horrific and unconscionable pain. As I looked at her x-ray, I could only think of how much my broken femur still hurts. I could not put her through more pain. So sadly, we made the decision that was right for her; we set her free from this world of horrible pain that she lived in. So now we have a very hefty vet bill, as well as the cost of her burial and our trip to WA. HOWEVER, we were able to SAVE FIVE (5) more horses from a horrible fate at the slaughter plant. The cost for the two vet visits, (one for Coggins on the Fabulous Five, and one for Tana), as well as the cost to bail these kids and get them vetted is going to be close to $3500? not including fuel. NOW COMES THE KICKER! Just hours ago I received a call about a newborn (orphan???). Matt and I will be picking up the baby next week. However, this time we have a POSSIBLE CHANCE to save Mom too. I have to let them know by Monday if I am picking up a 4 day old orphan or a Mare and Foal pair. Unfortunately, I have no more room at Chilly Pepper for adult horses until we fence more of the property and get more shelter. BUT THE GOOD NEWS IS - I FOUND A PROBABLE HOME FOR MOM AND BABY, IF we can raise enough funds. I have to pay the vet bills before we even think about another horse. It is hard, because you never want to say no, knowing full well that means a horse will face slaughter. HOWEVER, I cannot be the rescue that just says yes, yes and does not face the fact that it costs money to feed and care for these horses after they are "SAVED". So this is my question to our Chilly Pepper Family. What do y'all want to fund? What is your priority? We will be picking up baby for sure next week. I am hoping and praying we can raise enough funds to save Mama. Most of the time we do not even have an option to try and save Mom, but by the Grace of God we do this time. As much as I want to run out and save all the horses, we have to be responsible. Hopefully we will be getting lots of kids adopted soon, but still being on crutches is slowing everything down. Having a $1000 hay bill every 3 weeks or so is going to limit how many horses we can save. Number 5, who is not shown clearly in the photos, is currently at our vet as he was colicking earlier today. So there is a lot going on. I am hoping and praying that folks still want us to try and save as many grown horses as we can, and not just let mom ship to slaughter while we save the baby. Again, most of the time it won't even be an option. If y'all are with me, lets get these bills paid, some funds for hay and save this mom and her baby. If we raise enough funds in the next two days she will be going to CA with her baby instead of being loaded on the slaughter truck. It's up to everyone to decide if she lives or dies a horrible death. This is from the heart, and I simply don't know what else to do but be honest. Thank you to everyone who donated to help save Tana. She was a beautiful little girl and thankfully did not die alone, scared and cold on the side of the road. Let's make her proud and keep on saving lives. THANK YOU! If you want to help You can go to You Caring - to help us keep saving lives..
You can go to Paypal if you would like to help these horses. You can donate via check at Chilly Pepper - Miracle Mustang, P.O. Box 190 Golconda, NV 89414 You can also donate via credit card by calling Palomino at 530-339-1458. NO MATTER HOW BIG OR HOW SMALL - WE SAVE THEM ALL! SAVING GOD'S CRITTERS - FOUR FEET AT A TIME Chilly Pepper - Miracle Mustang, WIN Project - Rescue & Rehab _We are now part of the WIN Organization WIN (WILD HORSES IN NEED) is a 501c3 IRS EIN 55-0882407_ |
Ways To Donate
Venmo - @WIN-dba-ChillyPepper
Cash Ap. - $ChillyPepperMM Via credit or debit card. 530-339-1458 Paypal - [email protected] Via check Chilly Pepper PO Box 233 Golconda, NV 89414 OUR MAILING ADDRESSCHILLY PEPPER
PO BOX 233 GOLCONDA, NV 89414 Archives
August 2024