The 4 littles are safe and sound at Dustin Time Rescue in Pocatello. It broke my heart to let them go so soon, but it made sense as they are trying to schedule my next surgery. The 3 bigger kids adoption came through, and they are also safe and sound in their new homes. So right now I only have Dakota and Tyler up here, and I believe there are 15? in Nevada. We need to buy $1000 load of hay in Nevada immediately. There are 15? to feed, and the horses love their groceries. I have a very special request for help this week. Luckily, it is a one time expenditure, We need $2097.94 to replace the emergency funds that were used for the electrician. The nursery buildings are now wired DIRECTLY & CORRECTLY, after having 2 extension cord fires. We have been on a waiting list and it was finally our turn. PTL! Between the hay, vet bill, restocking of supplies and the electrical work & my extra help, we need approximately $5000+. We can't afford or risk not having what we need if babies/horses show up unexpectedly. I will still need to hire extra help for a bit longer, (and that might be a bit of an understatement lol). It sure show how people coming together makes an amazing difference. I'm heading back to Seattle for a Doc appt next Thursday. Hopefully they will be scheduling my hip replacement on my "good leg". I think we have SAVED roughly 19 or so new horses, since I 1st broke my Tibia. Rescue doesn't stop for little things like broken legs, etc. Sadly it's my life, so I can't, or we wouldn't be where we are. It just takes a bit more help and some creativity. THANK YOU, MY CHILLY PEPPER FAMILY, FOR ALWAYS BEING THERE AND SAVING SO MANY LIVES! Thank you for the breakaway halters for the littles. They arrived just in time . I also want to thank my NV peeps for securing the milk and supplies from Benson Feed for us. You are so appreciated. A Fun Note: I was looking at worst case scenario if they actually do have to amputate my bad leg. I was figuring out a really cool pulley system, where I could make the milk and send out the buckets on a pulley. I was feeling pretty cool, until Danniell dashed my bubble and asked why not just put the hose where I make the milk and just make it at the bucket. Wow, way to dash my cool plans, but there you go. There is always a way to "git 'er done". If you want to donate directly for milk, please call Basin Feed at 509-773-4648. We need to finish paying for the 5 new buckets we ordered.. You can donate to Goldendale Veterinary - 509-773-0369 We appreciate all your help with these precious souls. If you want to donate to their vet care, you can call Zimmerman Veterinary at 775-623-0981. NEW - DONATE WITH ZELLE Send Money with Zelle® Wildhorses In Need [email protected] 530-339-1458 New Venmo - @WIN-dba-ChillyPepper New CashAp - $ChillyPepperMM (Win dba Chilly Pepper) THANK YOU, ALL OF YOU, FOR BEING SO AMAZING FOR THESE PRECIOUS SOULS! YOU are the reason so many lives are saved! I will keep fighting the good fight as long as I can afford to. I so appreciate all of you and so do the critters. Please call Goldendale Veterinary at 509-773-0369, if you would like to help with this bill. I appreciate every single one of our Chilly Pepper Family. God has truly blessed this rescue! IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO KEEP HELPING US SAVE MORE LIVES, YOU CAN GO TO: You can go to gofundme<- You can go to Paypal<- PLEASE NOTE - Paypal shows Wild Horses in Need, as we are dba- Chilly Pepper if you would like to help these horses. ->You can donate via check at: PLEASE NOTE NEW ADDRESS FOR CHECKS* (For now while I'm at Camp Chilly Pepper) Chilly Pepper 19 Weona Rd Goldendale, WA 98620 You can also donate via credit card by calling Palomino at 530-339-1458. Venmo - @WIN-dba-ChillyPepper NO MATTER HOW BIG OR HOW SMALL - WE SAVE THEM ALL! SAVING GOD'S CRITTERS - FOUR FEET AT A TIME Chilly Pepper - Miracle Mustang, WIN Project - Rescue & Rehab We are now part of the WIN Organization WIN (WILD HORSES IN NEED) is a 501c3 IRS EIN 55-0882407_ If there are ever funds left over from the cost of the rescue itself, the monies are used to feed, vet, care for and provide shelter and proper fencing for the animals once they are saved.
Thank You for helping us help these kids. These are NOT our normal babies. They are from a private herd dispersal. I am grateful they came straight to us as opposed to hitting a sales yard 1st. There are actually 4 milk babies, and 3 older kids. Two of them spent their first night at the vet hospital. (Our matching funds will cover their first night and the meds.) Princess Penelope, the one with the funny milk face was colicky and acting like she was dying. In all reality, the banamine and the trailer ride fixed her up quite well. She was quite perky by the time Doc saw her. Neither of them have any teeth yet, so they are very young. Both of them had fluids , plasma and antibiotics. I have already gone through 50 pounds of milk powder, and they are all drinking, and seem to be doing quite well. We are dealing with some diarrhea, but that is normal. A wonderful donor stepped up and said she will match up to a $1000 in donations. I cannot begin to thank her, as well as everyone else who is helping with these kids. This $2000 will go to the vet to cover the 1st night and the meds etc. This will include donations made as of yesterday morning at 10 a.m. I believe we are close to halfway there. If you want to donate directly for milk, please call Basin Feed at 509-773-4648. Here is our Amazon Wish list https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/FEV9E2B7MPEA?ref_=wl_share THANK YOU IN ADVANCE FROM THE "TRAILER KIDS" I also appreciate prayers that I don't get kicked lol. LINK TO DAKOTA, THE "RAPPER" https://youtu.be/OrK7UU6PInQ You can donate to Goldendale Veterinary - 509-773-0369 We appreciate all your help with these precious souls. If you want to donate to their vet care, you can call Zimmerman Veterinary at 775-623-0981. NEW - DONATE WITH ZELLE Send Money with Zelle® Wildhorses In Need [email protected] 530-339-1458 New Venmo - @WIN-dba-ChillyPepper New CashAp - $ChillyPepperMM (Win dba Chilly Pepper) THANK YOU, ALL OF YOU, FOR BEING SO AMAZING FOR THESE PRECIOUS SOULS! YOU are the reason so many lives are saved! I will keep fighting the good fight as long as I can afford to. I so appreciate all of you and so do the critters. Please call Goldendale Veterinary at 509-773-0369, if you would like to help with this bill. I appreciate every single one of our Chilly Pepper Family. God has truly blessed this rescue! IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO KEEP HELPING US SAVE MORE LIVES, YOU CAN GO TO: You can go to gofundme<- You can go to Paypal<- PLEASE NOTE - Paypal shows Wild Horses in Need, as we are dba- Chilly Pepper if you would like to help these horses. ->You can donate via check at: PLEASE NOTE NEW ADDRESS FOR CHECKS* (For now while I'm at Camp Chilly Pepper) Chilly Pepper 19 Weona Rd Goldendale, WA 98620 You can also donate via credit card by calling Palomino at 530-339-1458. Venmo - @WIN-dba-ChillyPepper NO MATTER HOW BIG OR HOW SMALL - WE SAVE THEM ALL! SAVING GOD'S CRITTERS - FOUR FEET AT A TIME Chilly Pepper - Miracle Mustang, WIN Project - Rescue & Rehab We are now part of the WIN Organization WIN (WILD HORSES IN NEED) is a 501c3 IRS EIN 55-0882407_ If there are ever funds left over from the cost of the rescue itself, the monies are used to feed, vet, care for and provide shelter and proper fencing for the animals once they are saved. A call came in this morning. Can we take a trailer load of 7 mustang kids? 5 MIlk babies and 2 older babies.
Of course I am running on Faith as always, so I said YES!. HOWEVER, we need serious help! We need approximately $3500, JUST to get them to Chilly Pepper. It will cost OVER $2000 for 5 babies for EACH MONTH of milk powder. We will need foal lac pellets, grain, hay, wormer, meds and to get them vetted. With seven on the way, we are looking at needing alot of help. I am also having to hire help for feeding, cleaning and taking care of everyone, thanks to my goofy leg. I put up the pix of my knee so folks understand why I need the help. I am not allowed to lift any weight, and am supposed to be on crutches at the very least. Doc said the original x-ray actually looked better, so that wasn't real happy news. I should find out next week if there is any improvement. So far the bone has NOT healed and it is looking like this is the new me until it breaks. They are seriously talking about amputation if it does break, so I am being extremely careful. However, I know God put these in front of me because He wants me to help. Help is an additional expense._ So please give generously. You, my Chilly Pepper Family are just plain awesome. Together, we have saved so many lives. Let's help find these precious souls a home and give them the life they deserve. If you want to donate directly for milk, please call Basin Feed at 509-773-4648. I put in an order for 5 buckets of milk powder this morning. THANK YOU IN ADVANCE FROM THE "TRAILER KIDS" I also appreciate prayers that I don't get kicked lol. LINK TO DAKOTA, THE "RAPPER" https://youtu.be/OrK7UU6PInQ You can donate to Goldendale Veterinary - 509-773-0369 We appreciate all your help with these precious souls. If you want to donate to their vet care, you can call Zimmerman Veterinary at 775-623-0981. NEW - DONATE WITH ZELLE Send Money with Zelle® Wildhorses In Need [email protected] 530-339-1458 New Venmo - @WIN-dba-ChillyPepper New CashAp - $ChillyPepperMM (Win dba Chilly Pepper) THANK YOU, ALL OF YOU, FOR BEING SO AMAZING FOR THESE PRECIOUS SOULS! YOU are the reason so many lives are saved! I will keep fighting the good fight as long as I can afford to. I so appreciate all of you and so do the critters. Please call Goldendale Veterinary at 509-773-0369, if you would like to help with this bill. I appreciate every single one of our Chilly Pepper Family. God has truly blessed this rescue! IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO KEEP HELPING US SAVE MORE LIVES, YOU CAN GO TO: <You can go to gofundme<- You can go to Paypal<- PLEASE NOTE - Paypal shows Wild Horses in Need, as we are dba- Chilly Pepper if you would like to help these horses. ->You can donate via check at: PLEASE NOTE NEW ADDRESS FOR CHECKS* (For now while I'm at Camp Chilly Pepper) Chilly Pepper 19 Weona Rd Goldendale, WA 98620 You can also donate via credit card by calling Palomino at 530-339-1458. Venmo - @WIN-dba-ChillyPepper NO MATTER HOW BIG OR HOW SMALL - WE SAVE THEM ALL! SAVING GOD'S CRITTERS - FOUR FEET AT A TIME Chilly Pepper - Miracle Mustang, WIN Project - Rescue & Rehab We are now part of the WIN Organization WIN (WILD HORSES IN NEED) is a 501c3 IRS EIN 55-0882407_ If there are ever funds left over from the cost of the rescue itself, the monies are used to feed, vet, care for and provide shelter and proper fencing for the animals once they are saved. |
Ways To Donate
Venmo - @WIN-dba-ChillyPepper
Cash Ap. - $ChillyPepperMM Via credit or debit card. 530-339-1458 Paypal - [email protected] https://www.paypal.me/WildHorsesinNeedUS Via check Chilly Pepper PO Box 233 Golconda, NV 89414 OUR MAILING ADDRESSCHILLY PEPPER
PO BOX 233 GOLCONDA, NV 89414 Archives
August 2024