After days of driving very slowly on solid ice and snow, we arrived safely after delivering the horses to their new homes. Matt and I have never seen so many wrecks. It was truly terrifying with our precious cargo on board. But our prayers were answered and we had Angels all around us. We delivered Copper, Delilah, Precious and Abilene (shown above) safely to their new homes and headed back towards ISPMB. As you can see, by the photo below, the snow is once again a hindering factor in our work. This photo was taken just before we arrived at ISPMB. Snow has actually drifted so high over some of the fencing that horses can simply walk out. As we were driving, I received a message from the Sheriff that the court hearing had been cancelled. A deal had been reached between Karen Sussman and the Counties. Karen gets to keep 20 of her favorite Gila horses and the rest have been turned over to Fleet of Angels. So the work begins. While I would much rather be back home taking care of our critters, there are 520 horses needing homes immediately!! Folks have asked "Does that mean the horses are safe?". In reality, the answer would be No - Not yet! Until ALL these horses land safely in new homes, there is always a risk. If there is no money to feed them or a place for them to live, then "NO", they would not be safe. However, the whole reason we are here is to MAKE SURE they end up safe, and that takes everyone!! This is PHASE 2. - I hate to say it but it is where the real work begins. We are on a limited amount of time and we have to keep going. This is one of, or possibly THE largest rescues ever. There is so much riding on this. If we cannot pull together and save 810 horses, how on earth can we take care of horses if the borders are closed. This is huge folks, we must succeed. We want slaughter eliminated - then we need to come together and show that we can "git 'er done". Meanwhile my little monkies back at the ranch have nearly gone through all their milk and munchies again. But they are doing very well and thanks to Pete Dunham who is taking care of those kids, I can be up here in balmy South Dakota saving more lives lol. Matt picked up 4 more horses for Chilly Pepper and is once again on the road. Fleet of Angels adopted out my crew sorted and loaded out 10 horses yesterday. I have to say I am so grateful that Elaine and Barbara handle all the paperwork. Never have I been so glad to just be "horse-girl" lol. Hay prices are jumping due to the severe winter and we need help in this endeavor. The expenses for a rescue like this are horrific. We need everyone to help us save these horses. Whether it is a home, financial aid, prayers, sharing the information, helping deliver horses, well the list is endless. THANK YOU FOR MAKING THIS POSSIBLE! YOUR LOVE AND SUPPORT ARE THE ONLY REASON IT IS HAPPENING!! If you want to help us keep saving lives and to give Shadow and her new friends a place big enough for them to enjoy life. You can go to Paypal - [email protected] or go to our Donate & Support page
if you would like to help these horses. You can donate via check at Chilly Pepper - Miracle Mustang, P.O. Box 190 Golconda, NV 89414 You can also donate via credit card by calling Palomino at 530-339-1458. To donate to the Fleet of Angels TRANSPORTATION fund: Tax deductible To donate to the HAY fund: Tax deductible NO MATTER HOW BIG OR HOW SMALL - WE SAVE THEM ALL! SAVING GOD'S CRITTERS - FOUR FEET AT A TIME
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August 2024