Both boys had a horrible night. They both have some kind of bug, coughing and struggling to breathe. These "colds" are extremely common this time of year with the weather changing back and forth with such intense changes in temperature. Compromised foals are at extreme risk in these situations. They are on meds, but need SERIOUSLY LARGE AMOUNTS OF PRAYERS. They have absolutely NO RESERVES, and are in a very fragile position. I am praying that they will make it through this and it will not be too much for their tired little bodies. Foals are so very fragile, and every second counts when it comes to getting them help. They can crash in a matter of seconds, and the outcome for them is pretty much in God's hands. We are doing everything we can under our vet's guidance, but they were so weak in the beginning that there are no guarantees. Please pray for these beautiful little boys. I am hopeful that they will both pull through, but they are struggling so.
Linda Taschereau
10/17/2013 09:03:12 am
I am Praying to save these precious ones . Please Saint Francis of Asisi Marten de Pores save these & many more of the horses being harmed by anyone
10/17/2013 11:02:40 am
I would love to have these two boys. If I had a place to keep them I would.
10/17/2013 11:03:55 am
Will be praying for them They are GOD'S CREATURES.
10/17/2013 12:50:07 pm
I'm hoping they last long enough to get past the coughing and can begin to gain back strength
Elaine Cummings
10/17/2013 01:35:50 pm
'Wonder if anyone at BLM sees this pathetic duo and feels anything at all. I am personally dismayed, beyond all power to believe, at what is going on and being "permitted" to go on with our wild horses. The 1971 law to protect these horses seems non-existent, and grazing permits are allowed to trump a law. The national report (NAS) pointed out the errors of their ways, and yet Sec. Sally Jewell agrees with BLM and bypasses the correct equine science that should prevail. This is beyond disgraceful, because they are receiving thousands of tax-payer dollars for doing all this damage rather than following prescribed equine science and management recommendations, and doing their job. So much scientific study has been destroyed and so many horses have lost their lives, and will continue to lose unless someone in authority acts soon. -- The S.A.F.E. Act must be PASSED, or the wild horses currently in BLM concentration camps will be hurried off to slaughter, not that this isn't happening anyway! Praying for these two little ones to make it through to another day, and to gain some strength and be well. Such useless cruelty to the smallest and weakest in our midst. God bless all of you for caring for them and others. If humans are to be punished for this kind of inhumanity to God's creatures, I wish the good Lord would hurry up and take them to task now. I have lived for over 80 years, and this is almost more than I can bear.
10/17/2013 02:28:25 pm
That is so heartbreaking....... I will be sending prayers for these two beautiful boys........
Jeanne Engelkemeir
10/18/2013 08:53:00 am
These poor beautiful babies. . . Oh dear God, please save them. . . help them be well. . .thank you for helping them. . . Please keep us posted. . . and what can we do to help? Along with our prayers? :(
10/20/2013 10:28:39 am
Hi, I assume you must be busy....any updates? I hope the little guys are ok, I'm worried
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