SO FRUSTRATED..... I have to say that I am beyond frustrated. Yesterday I received a email from a person that I consider to be a friend and a respected horsewoman. She indicated that I might be wrong for trying to raise funds for this little guy because there are a lot of healthy foals out there and she was afraid this one would end up at slaughter. I reassured her that there are lots of blind horses that not only are used for show but for jumping and trail riding. HOWEVER this is what breaks my heart. She also indicated that some people were saying that I was just desperate to fund raise and would basically stoop to anything. FOLKS - PLEASE WATCH WHAT YOU SAY ON FACEBOOK. NO ONE IN THIS WORLD THAT HAS EVER RAISED ORPHAN FOALS MAKES ANY MONEY! When people put out slurs and lies about folks trying to make money off of these rescues, it makes people wonder about where they are donating. 1st of all - In nature, most babies nurse for about 6 months. This is because THEY NEED THE MILK!! A bag of milk in California costs about $200 vs. $120-$160 if shipped or purchased in Nevada. Of course we try to purchase everything as cheaply as possible, but you CANNOT keep foal lac powder too long. It is milk folks - and it will spoil. When you get a new foal you cannot wait a week or so for it to be shipped if you don't have any on hand. Whether you switch them to foal lac pellets or they are on the powder, the cost is pretty much the same. Then there are the supplements, the rice bran, the grain, the hay pellets or whatever that particular baby needs. When we put out the cost of picking up this little one, well you might notice that there was no "wear and tear" on the trailer and truck tires. Truck tires are about $1000. Trailer tires aren't too far behind. To date, I have yet to meet the "wear and tear on the vehicle" or the tire Fairy! There was no "lodging expenses or food expenses". It was simply fuel to get them home. We took Rocky to Las Vegas. MOST of the fuel was covered and we slept in the horse trailer and ate out of our cooler. We did eat out once at McDonalds on the dollar menu. Although we are extremely lucky with our support for the babies, it NEVER covers all the costs. We (and everyone else who does what we do) go through hundreds of dollars of extra propane and electricity. That is NEVER covered. It costs $40 to drive and pick up a load of hay, and that is before you even buy the hay. There are so many other expenses like random medical costs when they are colicky etc. It is a lose your butt business, and you have to change your life. There are hundreds and thousands of folks out there who give up everything - financially and time wise to take care of these unwanted, injured or sick horses. We are not special. We are a drop of sand on the beach, but I am getting tired of ignorant people acting like anyone is making money trying to help these horses. And I am sorry if folks don't understand, but I WILL NEVER NOT TRY TO HELP A BABY IF SOMEONE ASKS ME TO - WHETHER IT MEANS HELPING IT TO PASS IF IT NEEDS TO, FINDING THE BEST HOME FOR IT OR TAKING IT TO OUR RESCUE. You are HURTING the horses with malicious and incorrect gossip and folks should check out the facts and actual costs of what these rescues are doing instead of promoting foolish lies and harmful ignorance. Without support, most rescues would not exist and there would be that many more horses going to slaughter. I find it odd that the little folks are always the ones getting accused of trying to make money, when you have big sanctuaries that are still breeding and causing more horses to be sent to slaughter. We live in a house that doesn't even have counter tops or finished floors. But our first priority was the nursery. Another thing to consider is that if you are part of a 501 - every penny is accounted for. So PLEASE - stop the lies and ridiculous comments and try helping the rescues instead. We try as hard as we can to help, and it is truly heartbreaking when people are so cruel and actually make it harder for us to do what we do. Matt (my hubby), who didn't really sign up for this, but has made it his life now, said to come walk in our shoes for a few months and then decide what to write. I am sorry, but this had to be said, not just for us but for all the rescues who end up losing support by people running their mouths off when they don't have a clue. And a big THANK YOU AND GOD BLESS TO THE FOLKS THAT SUPPORT THE HORSES AND ALL THE ANIMALS ALL OVER - WHETHER IT IS HANDS ON, PRAYERS OR FINANCIAL SUPPORT!
1 Comment
10/17/2013 02:31:54 pm
one thing I have learne in 17 years and tears of animal rescue. horse, dogs , cats and all others is you have to have a strong constitution on days when people for some unknown reason want to take you down. say things that really are not right. the blind have a right to survive. I do blind dogs. one I placed was a 10 year old blind pit bull .. and she got a great home. do not let anyone deter you from your mission look down like a small bull dozer and just keep going. advise from someone who is a advocate for pit bulls the hardest breed to save. I have saved horses from starvation . when other rescues said I was wasting my time. it had a soul, it had a heartbeat so I gave it all I had. he was a morgan at 500 lbs. I raised 6 kids and had to ruin our dryer with blankets and close pins to keep him warm. but you know what it was the best horse I ever saved. why .. because I worked so hard and he lived. you never know until you try. giving it your all for what comes before you.. whats in front of you.. one foot in front of the other can really make a difference .. and that's what we are all about.
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