NO HORSE LEFT BEHIND! - 49 Mustangs Saved from Slaughter! Yes 49…. WE DID IT!!! Thanks to everyone who stepped up we were able to save the lives of ALL 49 mustangs we were called to help. After these mustangs are rounded up, we get a courtesy phone call and we are the only chance they have to avoid being shipped directly to slaughter. Initially we were not supposed to bring any horses back to Chilly Pepper – Miracle Mustang. But how do you look deep into the eyes of the stallions and simply walk away. CPMM is one of the few places who can take on wild stallions, and no one else was going to step up. As they stood there patiently staring at me, the decision was made. How can you walk away from horses you CAN save, and look in the mirror? Yes, it makes things extremely difficult at times, and is much more expensive as we incur the gelding costs before we can place them, not to mention stallions can be a lot of work. However, the only alternative was to look at them and say “nope – you are too much trouble – die a horrible death”, and it was not an option as we did have the capability of saving them. So not one horse was left behind – this time…. Unfortunately I have already been warned the phone will be ringing again in a week or two. But right now we need to concentrate on our orphans, and getting our boys gelded. We cannot place them without them being gelded which means none of the next group of stallions have any chance to be saved. We now have 3 babies who are on Foal Lac Powder ($149 per bag if we drive 3 hours to pick it up.) They are also on Foal Lac Pellets, ($99 per bag) and we are supplementing with Baby Goat’s milk as it is less expensive and easy to digest and has lots of fat. Add to that their hay, grain and medical care and it eats up the budget quickly. I am really praying hard that some of the monies that were “promised” for this last rescue come through. We had some folks pledge enough money to make this possible without total devastation to our entire budget. Unfortunately those funds have not yet arrived, which means our budget is nearly depleted. So until these funds are replaced, we won’t be able to save the next group. The cost of this rescue averaged about $250 (per horse) x 49, which is pretty good when you consider that covers saving them, vetting them, delivering them safely to their new homes and all fuel costs. Unfortunately, this does not include feeding and caring for the stallions or getting them vetted. We need to buy hay asap. The horses came in pretty thin and beat up and they need extra groceries. What makes things even harder is that Chilly Pepper – Miracle Mustang, (and all of YOU who helped save the 900+), spent thousands to save the horses at ISPMB. All the funds were supposed to be reimbursed when we went the second time, but we all know how expensive rescue is. It simply did not happen. So our funds were already depleted immeasurably. However, that was a successful life saving rescue for over 700 horses. There are still horses left, and we offered to place more through Chilly Pepper. However, due to things beyond our control, that did not happen. So although together we helped save over 700, as many as 100+ may face a “merciful end to their lives”. This sounds horrible, and breaks my heart, but at least none of them will face slaughter like the ones we are rescuing at this time. There is no choice of where to concentrate at this point. A quick painless end to life or a devastating trip through slaughter, where they are often butchered while still alive – the answer is clear – save as many of the Yakama ponies as we can. Kim Clark took 25 of the mares and foals at “A Little Piece of Heaven” in Idaho. She is a huge part of our success as she is part of the team that finds homes for these horses. Wendy & Mike Hanson at Mountain Ranch Equine Rehab took 8 to gentle and match up with "their person". They work with troubled youth and are using some of the wild ones for therapy for some of our amazing heroes (our beloved veterans). Kayleen and Clint, out of Oregon, took on 5 fillies and young mares to train and re-home, and we have 10 stallions and a mare at Chilly Pepper. (We like folks to know that they are actually safe!) Below, meet the newest orphan "My Heart in the Sky" aka SKY for short, with Rocky and no-name in the background (My niece is picking "no-name" out a very special name. lol) Sky is named after our beloved friend Les Stedronsky, may she rest in all God's glory. We love you and we miss you so, Les! THANK YOU FOR MAKING THIS HAPPEN! We so appreciate the love and support and I am working on Thank You's as quickly as I can. We still need your help. So please let's keep saving lives. Together we are making a difference! If you want to help You can go to You Caring - to help us keep saving lives..
You can go to Paypal - [email protected] or go to our Donate & Support page if you would like to help these horses. You can donate via check at Chilly Pepper - Miracle Mustang, P.O. Box 190 Golconda, NV 89414 You can also donate via credit card by calling Palomino at 530-339-1458. NO MATTER HOW BIG OR HOW SMALL - WE SAVE THEM ALL! SAVING GOD'S CRITTERS - FOUR FEET AT A TIME Chilly Pepper - Miracle Mustang, LRTC PROJECT - Rescue & Rehab LRTC (Least Resistance Training Concepts) is a 501c3 IRS EIN 68-0434118
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August 2024