YOU did it! YOU kept Smokey & the Bandit, and poor Buddy from being loaded on the "trailer of death". It is with a broken heart I share the news, that for Bandit, his journey would end long before we wanted. We had to alleviate Bandit's pain, as he suffered a horrific case of colic. I have no doubt his condition played a huge part in it all just being too much for him to fight. It was the right thing to do for him, and he is running free in Heaven. As much as it hurts to lose him so much sooner than we wanted, y'all saved him from the horror of being sent to slaughter, and sometimes we are only here to provide temporary love and care. So we decided to rescue another horse in his honor. Unfortunately, when we saw "LIL BANDITO", we came across two other horses that were on the list to ship to their death, today!!!. So we had to step up, and pray our Chilly Pepper Family is on board with saving the two new ones also. IN THE MIDDLE OF ALL OF THIS, I received another phone call. Chilly Pepper has 2 NEWBORN BABIES AND A 5 DAY OLD, waiting for us in WA. As their tiny little lives unfold, little do they know that in a few days they will lose their Mama's, and our Chilly Pepper Family will be the ONLY CHANCE they have at life. These babies are ONLY OFFERED to CHILLY PEPPER. No other rescues are allowed access to these babies. If history repeats itself, I will be picking up more than 3 when I get the notice he is "shipping the horses". There are times when we have the opportunity to buy the mares with the babies, but that is not an option right now. So we keep quiet and save the lives that we can. There are so many tears when we pick up these tiny, frightened babies, but our job is to provide the best possible care we can, and as you all know, that take a serious toll on the budget. So while Matt is down south picking up the new kids, and delivering some horses to their new homes, I will be prepping to head back up to WA for these teeny tiny babies. As always, WE NEED YOUR HELP TO MAKE THIS HAPPEN! We are so grateful for the folks who stay here and take care of everything while we are off picking up and delivering horses. Most of the babies (from the last group) are still having issues, although the vet has finally figured out what might be causing it. But there are numerous new vet bills floating around, as well as the fact that between all of them, they are drinking the milk re-placer by the gallons. On Monday, Matt will be taking Buddy to the local vet to see what the best options are for him. We have a safe place for him to stay if he needs time before traveling, and if he can come home right away we will do that. However, there is still a chance he may not have a good outcome, and then we would have to honor him and respect him enough to let him go. That decision would be based on the information from the Vet and what Buddy says. He will let us know if he is ready to fight, or is too tired and wants help to end his suffering. Obviously that is not what we want. Like every rescue out there, we do as much of the medical care as we can, (under the guidance of our trusted vets), but sometimes you have to spend the money to get the exams, tests, xrays etc. It is Go Time, and beyond! Thankfully, our Chilly Pepper Family has never let these horses down, and I know you won't. You are all a gift to these horses, and I am proud to know such amazing people. Thank you for your love, because YOU DECIDE how many horses we save! Matt and I are just "the Boots on the Ground", but you all are the Heart and Soul. So let's keep saving lives and get all of these kids to safety. "Daisy Meadows", "Give Me a Chance", and "Lil Bandito", have been marked safe and held for us on the belief that y'all will come through for them. Please keep them safe! As always, the Chilly Pepper Family Rocks! Thank you!! Below, "Lil Bandito", saved in honor of Bandit. (sorry for the poor picture quality, but it was all I had.) IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO KEEP HELPING US SAVE MORE LIVES, YOU CAN GO TO:
You can go to gofundmel You can go to Paypal if you would like to help these horses. ->You can donate via check at: Chilly Pepper - Miracle Mustang, PO Box # 190 Golconda, NV 89414 You can also donate via credit card by calling Palomino at 530-339-1458. NO MATTER HOW BIG OR HOW SMALL - WE SAVE THEM ALL! SAVING GOD'S CRITTERS - FOUR FEET AT A TIME Chilly Pepper - Miracle Mustang, WIN Project - Rescue & Rehab We are now part of the WIN Organization WIN (WILD HORSES IN NEED) is a 501c3 IRS EIN 55-0882407_ If there are ever funds left over from the cost of the rescue itself, the monies are used to feed, vet, care for and provide shelter and proper fencing for the animals once they are saved.
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August 2024