ANOTHER 911!! Just got the call for 4 HEAVILY PREGNANT MARES about to ship to slaughter. As you can see below, one of them is already bagging up. As usual, there is an imminent deadline, so we need to save them now! I believe we have been given 24 hours to come up with the funds to save these kids. We NEED to get it done NOW, so we can get that mare to our nursery at Mama Mel's so she can have her baby in a safe and clean environment. I know we are always handling "emergencies", but that is what the "front line, boots on the ground is all about". If not, these beautiful ladies ship. I cannot even bear the thought of that little baby being born in the trailer on the way to slaughter, or the mom's going to slaughter either. Matt is delivering Obsidian and Goldy to their forever homes, and picking up the other kids. We were able to send payment for Lucky Man on time, and he did not ship! THANK YOU FOR THAT! BUT WE NEED HELP RIGHT NOW TO MAKE SURE THESE GIRLS ARE SAFE. Can you even imagine the baby dropping into this world, in the middle of a bunch of terrified and angry horses. He/she would drop onto a filthy floor and be trampled to death. Let's make sure she is born in a clean and quiet place, where her Mama can take care of her and she can nurse and have a life. It was terrifying when I saw Hope had been born in the trailer, but we were equipped and took immediate steps to ensure her safety. Our trailer was not packed, and it was still oh so scary. PLEASE do not let this happen to these babies and let's keep their Mama's safe too. We need to purchase them, get them vetted and transported etc. This is just the beginning, but I am counting on our Chilly Pepper Family to step up once again. You guys are amazing and I am so very grateful, as are all the horses you save!! Donate now and let's "git 'er done". If ever there was an emergency, it is right now!! (With all the babies, extra vet bills etc, we are absolutely wiped out. The amazing love y'all have shown is what made it possible to pick up the milk and get the vetting done etc. Sadly though, the babies and the other special needs kids have wiped out the budget. However, they are all DOING FANTASTIC, thanks to y'all!) You can clearly see she needs out NOW to have her baby somewhere safe. Looks like baby is going to have all the milk he/she needs. PLEASE SAVE HER!!!! Thank you as always, for your amazing love and support. We treasure all our Chilly Pepper Family and appreciate the fact that YOU MAKE THIS ALL POSSIBLE IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO KEEP HELPING US SAVE MORE LIVES, YOU CAN GO TO:
You can go to gofundmel You can go to Paypal if you would like to help these horses. ->You can donate via check at: Chilly Pepper - Miracle Mustang, PO Box # 190 Golconda, NV 89414 You can also donate via credit card by calling Palomino at 530-339-1458. NO MATTER HOW BIG OR HOW SMALL - WE SAVE THEM ALL! SAVING GOD'S CRITTERS - FOUR FEET AT A TIME Chilly Pepper - Miracle Mustang, WIN Project - Rescue & Rehab We are now part of the WIN Organization WIN (WILD HORSES IN NEED) is a 501c3 IRS EIN 55-0882407_ If there are ever funds left over from the cost of the rescue itself, the monies are used to feed, vet, care for and provide shelter and proper fencing for the animals once they are saved.
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August 2024