6 WILD HORSES - SAFE AT CHILLY PEPPER BUT NOT YET FUNDED - CHILLY PEPPER NEEDS YOUR HELP - PLEASE!2/11/2021 CHILLY PEPPER NEEDS YOUR HELP ASAP! For the first time since I started this rescue, we failed to raise enough funds to save the 6 wild horses who were shipping to slaughter. LUCKILY for the horses, I went on faith and saved them even though we haven't yet raised the funds. This means that monies slated for feed and vet bills has not been put back, and the horses really need your help. This is a first,and sadly a result of the current times. We simply did not raise enough funds to cover the cost of saving them, transporting them, drawing blood work and getting brand inspections, health certificates etc. Yesterday we had to geld 4 stallions, so the wild ones can find safe and loving homes. I am praying hard, as the world simply seems to be upside down. I have no idea where the rescue is headed due to the general economy. For now, I am hoping we can raise enough funds to pay for the gelding, vetting and transport. THE 3 SKINNY, PREGNANT MARES HAVE A WONDERFUL HOME OFFER at a private sanctuary in California. I almost cried when she said she would offer them a forever home. HOWEVER, we need funds to transport them safely, get health certificates, brand inspections etc. The simple truth is that Chilly Pepper STILL needs help for these horses, even though they are SAFE and we kept them off of that horrible truck! I also had a "behind the scenes" rescue of this beautiful little girl shown below. She is crippled and definitely did not need to be an appetizer somewhere. Meet "Phoebee". THANK YOU! This is the link to our Chilly Pepper's Wild Horse & Orphan Foal Adoption Page, where you can see the progress and new lives of the horses YOU HAVE HELPED SAVED! (I can't believe I didn't do this years ago, but it is so fun to see the horses, babies and critters that are enjoying and thriving in their new lives.) https://www.facebook.com/groups/364129998164107/ https://smile.amazon.com/ch/55-0882407 If you shop at Amazon, please go to this link. IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO KEEP HELPING US SAVE MORE LIVES, YOU CAN GO TO:
-<You can go to gofundme<- https://www.gofundme.com/f/help-feed-amp-care-for-horses-saved-from-slaughter?utm_source=customer&utm_medium=copy_link&utm_campaign=p_cf+share-flow-1)<- You can go to Paypal if you would like to help these horses. ->You can donate via check at: (PLEASE NOTE NEW PO BOX #) Chilly Pepper - Miracle Mustang, PO Box # 233 Golconda, NV 89414 You can also donate via credit card by calling Palomino at 530-339-1458. NO MATTER HOW BIG OR HOW SMALL - WE SAVE THEM ALL! SAVING GOD'S CRITTERS - FOUR FEET AT A TIME Chilly Pepper - Miracle Mustang, WIN Project - Rescue & Rehab We are now part of the WIN Organization WIN (WILD HORSES IN NEED) is a 501c3 IRS EIN 55-0882407_ If there are ever funds left over from the cost of the rescue itself, the monies are used to feed, vet, care for and provide shelter and proper fencing for the animals once they are saved.
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Venmo - @WIN-dba-ChillyPepper
Cash Ap. - $ChillyPepperMM Via credit or debit card. 530-339-1458 Paypal - [email protected] https://www.paypal.me/WildHorsesinNeedUS Via check Chilly Pepper PO Box 233 Golconda, NV 89414 OUR MAILING ADDRESSCHILLY PEPPER
PO BOX 233 GOLCONDA, NV 89414 Archives
August 2024