Hi ya'll, It's me, Chilly Pepper. Today is the 9th day of June, 2010, and boy did we have a big day. I spent most of it fussing with another filly that is staying with us. Her name is Penny and she and Jackson are staying with us. She and I were trying to kick each other through the panels, and mom got mad. She told us to stop, and when we didn't, we were put on a "time out". Actually she separated us as we "couldn't get along". But when she move Texas Trouble into the corral next to Rebel and Penny and Jackson, well we had fireworks like you wouldn't believe. In all her 8 years working at a wild horse sanctuary, mom never ever saw any 2 stallions fighting like Texas Trouble and Rebel. They were screaming and rearing up and fighting over the panels. When she finally got them separated, she and Dalton (my people brother) had to redo the whole fence line. She wasn't very happy about that.
But all ended well. Texas decided that he couldn't really be bothered with Rebel and his little tantrums, so he is pretty much ignoring him. However, Penny REALLY likes Texas, so she is stirring the pot. She keeps trying to get Texas to sneak over and visit her. But everything is pretty calm now, so I am hanging out with Tucker again. Well, take care and have a fabulous tomorrow. Patches and I were in the East Valley Times. They wrote a nice article about what we are going to be doing. Real nice people there. X O Chilly Pepper
January 2023
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